Extended Field CareTM


Your casualty has survived the 'Golden Hour' but help is still hours, or even days, away.  What do we do now?

This is where traditional First Aid ends.

Most "Advanced" first aid or EMT courses look at advanced, invasive skills but are still concerned with the initial life-saving treatment of the casualty.  Extended Field Care prepares the candidate for long term care of the casualty in remote or austere environments.

This course also includes basic nursing skills - the crux of casualty care.  

  • We all know how to stop bleeding but how do you manage the wound to promote healing and prevent infection in a remote environment?
  • We can all apply RICE to simply manage a joint injury but a triangular bandage will not fix everything.
  • This course does not cover invasive surgical skills such as emergency cricothyrotomy, needle decompression or chest drains.


Course Content

  • Rationale - what is Extended Field Care and why is it needed?
  • A protocol for Extended Field Care
  • Monitoring and Recording
  • Decision Making
  • Communication systems
  • Telemedicine and Off-Line protocols
  • Handling and Administering of Medicines
  • Common expedition medicines
  • Wound management
  • Taping and Wrapping skills
  • Evacuation preparation and procedures